Internet of Things (IoT)

When looking at an IIoT implementation, the following considerations. A lot of IoT devices depend on cloud companies, but the requirement for an internet connection in order for something to operate is usually a real downside. Connecting OT to the web could make businesses extra viable, with the assistance of […]

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How to stop malicious emails from turning into a catastrophe

Introduction In a report from Barracuda Networks, the company revealed that over 1.5 million malicious and spam emails were sent from 1000’s of compromised Office 365 accounts of their clients in March 2019 alone. The increase in the number of account takeover attacks was mentioned to be the trigger for […]

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Challenges That Cause CISOs to Fail

After a security certification exercise such as ISO27001 or PCI, everything goes quiet, there are no resources available to keep compliant. As a Ciso I have had peers complain that leadership didn’t perceive that compliance frameworks like ISO, PCI, HIPAA, or NIST requires maintenance after the fact. The challenges CISOs […]

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Cybersecurity for beginners

Introduction With the influx of cyber-threats and data attacks online, cybersecurity has become a pressing need of the hour. Attackers are increasingly using more complex and sophisticated techniques, that are hard to detect. Businesses today, irrespective of the fact that they are IT or non-IT, are concerned over the privacy […]

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Computer Security vs Cybersecurity

With the growing use of the internet, most businesses and organizations have positively transformed themselves. However, they are now even more exposed to cyber threats than ever with growing cyber attacks by cybercriminals or hackers. Being highly knowledgeable about cybersecurity in this whole new world of security threats will protect […]

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Data Breach and Measures to Prevent

What is Data Breach? When confidential or secure information is released to an untrusted environment, intentionally or unintentionally, it is known as a data breach. A data breach might involve unintentional information disclosure, loss or theft of data, information leakage, and data leak. Today data is turning into a valuable […]

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