Mobile Device Security

Top mobile security threats in 2020

We are moving towards a technology-driven world, all our needs and requirements will be easily fulfilled by our phones and gadgets. But this has also driven a rapid increase in cyber threats. According to a report, there were more than 3.5 million Malwares detected from around 1 million user devices, and since then, this value has been multiplying. An approximate of 280,000 Malware is detected each day and it was found that most of these Malware targets the mobile devices. Here is a look upon the top threats on the mobile security these days: 

1) Data Leakage

The major threat to mobile devices lies in the data stored on them. Many high-risk apps ask for broad access permissions on data stored in devices and then forward that information to sellers, corporate, advertisers, remote servers and even cybercriminals at times, which is used for illegal purposes later.

The data leakage can also take place by signing up on unauthorized apps. This Malware easily attacks the popular mobile operating system like iOS and android, dislocating their data across the major corporate networks. 

To protect your devices against such malware, take care of the permissions and only grant permission to those apps that truly require it. Avoid using any such apps which require access to unnecessary information.

2) Unsecured Wi-Fi

The most trending and highly used internet sources these days are the Wi-Fi. Nobody wants to run on their cellular data with limited capacity when they get access to unlimited data and speed of Wi-Fi. But the fact is that these wireless networks without identification are unsecured and dangerous for your mobiles. It is an easy method to hack your data. To keep safe from this, use Wi-Fi for basic surfing, never use this connection to access your important or personal data.  

3) Network Spoofing

This is another major threat to mobiles these days. These fake networks are set up by cybercriminals, which looks like a Wi-Fi connection. By using these fake networks we unknowingly allow the hackers to access our data. These networks are mostly available in high traffic areas like airports, coffee shops, shopping centres and libraries. These cybercriminals attract attention toward these networks by naming them “free Wi-Fi networks” and “free internet airports”, which encourages the public to connect with it.

4) Phishing Attacks

The most active devices become victim to such attacks. Mobiles are usually devices that are always switched on. It has been proved that the most vulnerable of all technology users are mobile operators. These devices often connect with the engines holding there major login data and other major information. To save yourself from such an attack, strictly avoid clicking on any unknown links or wait until you are using it on your computer screen.  

5) Spyware

The major threat to devices occurs when it is through some known source. One such threat is Spyware. Spyware can be in the form of an app with bulk advertising, or data sharing devices that might have this Spyware on their phones. This threat easily moves from one device to another through internal information. It can expand to each connection available on the device it enters. This can be curbed with the help of comprehensive Antivirus and Malware scanners and detections.

As per studies from Harvard, many new threats are posing to attack the devices shortly. To guard your data on mobiles, it has become really important to keep yourself updated with the available protections against these threats or you might become a victim to such threats easily

Resident blogger for Zenosec, interested in all things cybersecurity.

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