Bring Your Own Device

BYOD security tips to minimize risks

The practice of BYOD is extremely beneficial for the large as well as small businesses. This practice helps the organization to create a hazel-free working environment. Though BYOD possesses several advantages, it is recommended that an organization should take appropriate steps before implementing it to their business. This will helps […]

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Disgruntled employee and the risk they pose

Are you a kind yet strict boss who believes in teamwork and due dates? If the answer is a yes to that then good for you or maybe not! If you think that your company is best in terms of relationships with the employee then think again! Ponder! Give a […]

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Why user security awareness must follow the continuous delivery model?

User security awareness is a very important aspect in a company’s security policy that involves testing and awarding the employees for protection against cyberattacks. User security awareness training aids in recognising, avoiding and proper reporting of potential threats. This can prevent compromise of sensitive data and attack of phishing, malware, […]

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Why should security be built in from the start?

Cyberattacks are getting more and more sophisticated and elusive with advancing technology. Whether it is a giant enterprise, small businesses, or beginning startups, the risk of getting cyber attacked is high. But most of the companies smaller or larger tend to go lax in maintaining stringent cybersecurity measures. Some of […]

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Mobile Device Security

BYOD: Definition, Security, Importance, and advantages

BYOD Definition: The term BYOD can be defined as a phenomenon where employees are encouraged to utilize their personal devices in order to connect to their respective company networks. Through this, they can also establish connections between work-related systems so that confidential information can be secured easily. The devices in […]

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How to implement security in DevOps

DevOps is a set of methods that incorporates software development and IT operative processes all the while aiming to shorten the systems development cycle giving out continuous delivery with high software quality. It has brought a cultural change in business by transforming the way operations, developers, and testers cohesively collaborate […]

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