Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks one of the biggest threat to cybersecurity Many businesses have reported victimization from data breaches and cyberattacks in the past year.  And most of them have reported being attacked through the phishing attacks. This kind of attack has been reported the most in the past year and it […]

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What security budget?

It is difficult to determine an actual percentage of a companies revenue that should be allocated to its cybersecurity budget for protecting it against data breaches and cyberattacks. Even though the proportion varies based on the corporate’s industry and revenue among different elements, most firms usually underspend on cybersecurity. Though […]

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Coronavirus online scams

The world currently is facing an unimaginable pandemic of COVID-19. While the world is facing it together and putting their best to curb this disaster, Cybercriminals are trying their best to take advantage of this situation. This showed how few malicious minds stop at nothing. The greatest danger facing the […]

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Cybersecurity for beginners

Introduction With the influx of cyber-threats and data attacks online, cybersecurity has become a pressing need of the hour. Attackers are increasingly using more complex and sophisticated techniques, that are hard to detect. Businesses today, irrespective of the fact that they are IT or non-IT, are concerned over the privacy […]

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