Why should security be built in from the start?

Cyberattacks are getting more and more sophisticated and elusive with advancing technology. Whether it is a giant enterprise, small businesses, or beginning startups, the risk of getting cyber attacked is high. But most of the companies smaller or larger tend to go lax in maintaining stringent cybersecurity measures. Some of […]

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Getting The (Security) Message Across to The Board

Introduction In any organization or business, security breaches can occur at any number of points in the operational-cycle, where personal detail or information is shared. There is no denying the fact that, security threats can be posed by cybercriminals, or employees, or even systems. It is hardly a surprise that […]

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Demonstrating Security Value

When it comes to explaining the importance of security to leadership and to justify any investments that come along with it, no matter how important such issues are, CISO’s often struggle with it. It is hard to in-still security standards into the more extensive plan of action, despite the fact […]

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Security Culture

Security Culture

How “Security Culture” Affects an Organisation’s Risk of a Potential Breach Over the last 2 years announcements by Marriott, British airways, Travelex and now EasyJet on how their systems were compromised and breached by nefarious actors this must now have every business large, small or enterprise thinking about its current […]

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Important Cyber Security Metrics

Important Cyber Security Metrics to Track If your multi-layer security has been breached, measuring how far they ingressed will help you defend against future attacks. You would be surprised how sensitive information is handled generally; for this reason, enterprise security experts constantly check for unapproved storage of sensitive information or […]

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board ceo security

How to Explain Cybersecurity to the Board

As stated by Help Net Security: “Cybersecurity strategy needs to be led by the board, executed by the C-Suite and owned at the front lines of the organization.” When it comes to initiating an organisation wide cybersecurity strategy, security executives such as CISOs, Heads of Function or Risk Managers often have […]

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