Bring Your Own Device

BYOD security tips to minimize risks

The practice of BYOD is extremely beneficial for the large as well as small businesses. This practice helps the organization to create a hazel-free working environment. Though BYOD possesses several advantages, it is recommended that an organization should take appropriate steps before implementing it to their business. This will helps […]

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Mobile Device Security

BYOD: Definition, Security, Importance, and advantages

BYOD Definition: The term BYOD can be defined as a phenomenon where employees are encouraged to utilize their personal devices in order to connect to their respective company networks. Through this, they can also establish connections between work-related systems so that confidential information can be secured easily. The devices in […]

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Mobile Device Security

BYOD challenges and ways to overcome

There are various challenges which are faced by an organization when they try to adopt a BYOD policy. The organizations which are planning to implement the BYOD in their working culture should have strong policies that support these programs. The authorities of the company should be careful about the threats […]

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Bring Your Own Device

5 Best Practices for BYOD

The practice of BYOD can be described as the practice in which the organizations allow their employees to utilize smartphones, computers or any other smart device for work purposes. In recent times, there are several organizations that have been implementing the BYOD policies in order to create a successful BYOD […]

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Data Breach

Small Business Cybersecurity

Best cybersecurity practices for small business People owing small businesses usually assume that they won’t get victimized by cybercriminals. This mindset is very commonly observed among small business owners. But such assumptions are false. Many studies proved that the major portion of cyber attacked victims happened to be from small […]

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