Bring Your Own Device

5 Best Practices for BYOD

The practice of BYOD can be described as the practice in which the organizations allow their employees to utilize smartphones, computers or any other smart device for work purposes. In recent times, there are several organizations that have been implementing the BYOD policies in order to create a successful BYOD atmosphere in their organization. Every company needs to conduct a thorough security check of the laptops and desktops of the employees. These security checks are done to increase cybersecurity and infrastructure.

Below are some of the practices which are opted by several organizations to increase their productivity and efficiency.

1) Device Platforms and different versions of the Operating System    

One of the very first measures which an organization should take is to mention the OS versions and device platforms so that the BYOD policies can be implemented easily. A company should specify the features and specifications of the laptops and other mobile devices that are allowed under the BYOD practice. This will increase the clarity among the employees as well.                                                

2) Proper enrollment of devices

The organizations should mention what is the process which they will use to block all the other devices that try to connect with the network. Apart from this, it is also extremely necessary to mention that the devices must be authenticated and registered. This is because it becomes easier to detect any kind of cyber-attack. The organization should mention the complete enrollment process of the devices as well.

3) Try to create efficient passwords

It is extremely essential for the entire organization to create strong and efficient passwords. Good password strength ensures the security of the devices and the software. Hence, every organization should try to enforce a complex password that can ensure the security of their data and other sensitive information. Therefore, an organization needs to mention the length, complexity, frequency and number of attempts in its BYOD policy. This will also protect them against any kind of hacker attack.

4) Access of WLAN Networks

It is of utmost priority that an organization should create a strong BYOD policy that supports the access of WLAN networks. A company should clarify whether access to WLAN networks would be on-site or off-site. By creating such a policy, the cost of the data and device battery can be saved to a great extent. It also renders an enormous benefit to authentication and security. If in case, a company fails to mention the exact WLAN networking policy then it can cause some serious damage to the organization’s cybersecurity.

5) Keep a proper check on the confidential content

It is not a good decision to share sensitive content among the mobile devices and the laptops which are utilized under the BYOD practice. Hence, a company should describe the rules related to the sharing of sensitive information. They should also mention what kind of documents a user should print, save and email, etc. The idea behind this is to increase the organization’s control.

An organization should try to make every point of the policy very clear because a user must be aware of the BYOD policies. The BYOD policies are very closely related to cybersecurity too as they create rules that can block the foreign attacks also. 

Resident blogger for Zenosec, interested in all things cybersecurity.

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