Why should security be built in from the start?

Cyberattacks are getting more and more sophisticated and elusive with advancing technology. Whether it is a giant enterprise, small businesses, or beginning startups, the risk of getting cyber attacked is high. But most of the companies smaller or larger tend to go lax in maintaining stringent cybersecurity measures. Some of […]

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What are 5G security risks?

5G vowed to profoundly change how people and machines interact. It proclaims another period of more prominent transmission capacity and quicker speeds which will release the Internet of Things (IoT) in everything from mechanical offices to self-governing vehicles. In any case, with this new age of system innovation set to […]

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Why Security Is A People Problem?

Introduction In recent years, some of the largest data breaches have been a direct result of human error, security is a people problem. The consequences of these events are often unintended losses that are caused by people who mistakenly activate malware by opening unknown emails or clicking on malicious links. […]

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Bring Your Own Device

5 Best Practices for BYOD

The practice of BYOD can be described as the practice in which the organizations allow their employees to utilize smartphones, computers or any other smart device for work purposes. In recent times, there are several organizations that have been implementing the BYOD policies in order to create a successful BYOD […]

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Cyber cloud threats

Cybersecurity solutions in the digital age

The need for Cybersecurity solutions in the age of digital transformation  It is fair to say that we are living in a hyper-digital world. We are surrounded by gadgets that are all interlinked with each other and we are finding ourselves getting more and more reliant on these devices with […]

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Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks one of the biggest threat to cybersecurity Many businesses have reported victimization from data breaches and cyberattacks in the past year.  And most of them have reported being attacked through the phishing attacks. This kind of attack has been reported the most in the past year and it […]

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